Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays

We'd like to take this opportunity to wish you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful New Year. If you haven't seen our holiday card on the Beyond the Rainbow web site,

here's the link.

We'll be back in January with the next issue of Living with Crystals.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Living with Crystals: December Issue

Living With Crystals
A Newsletter from Beyond the Rainbow

PO Box 110, Ruby, NY 12475

Volume XIV, Number 11
Living with Crystals gives monthly information about working with crystals, flower essences, and aromatherapy.

In This Issue

I Welcome
II Living with Crystals is Changing
III Feature Article: Turquoise: A Bridge Between Heaven and Earth
IV Bach Flower Remedy Classes
V Courses & Consultations


Welcome to the Beyond the Rainbow's newsletter about crystals, Living with Crystals, first published February 1997.

If this is your first newsletter, thank you for subscribing. If it isn't, thanks for continuing to read it. If you'd like to forward a copy to a friend whom you think would enjoy it please feel free to do so.

Every issue of Living with Crystals is dedicated to all of you who read it; we dedicate this issue with special appreciation, and pledge that Living with Crystals will continue to serve all those who wants to learn more about working with crystals as our partners in creation.

May you every day become more crystalline.

Turquoise: A Bridge Between Heaven and Earth

I keep many crystals on my desk, and the ones I keep within easy rich are all light blue and blue-green stones. When I need a jump-start in writing or have a challenging email to write or phone call to make, I close my eyes and reach for one of them.

Some cheating is involved, because I know many of my crystals by touch. The one I most often pick is a Tibetan turquoise in tumbled stone form. It's not especially smooth in surface, having a matte texture, and it's more green than blue. I find it very calming.

I may like turquoise especially because it is my Sagittarian birthstone, and its qualities do much to stabilize the sometimes scattered energy of my sun sign. We can all use energy stabilizing, though, and turquoise can help in the important areas of grounding, day-to-day communication, and the advanced form of communication that is spiritual connection.


Some crystals provide primarily physical grounding. Turquoise, while it helps in physical stability, has far more effect on mental grounding. Nothing ungrounds one more than a clutter of thoughts on too many subjects. This kind of mental debris keeps us from identifying our most heartfelt goals and from taking the steps required for its realization.

This kind of erratic thinking is sometimes called "monkey mind," in acknowledgment of a monkey swinging from branch to branch. Turquoise helps to stabilize us so that we can mentally stay in one place and allow ourselves to be aware of our deepest wishes.


Ultimately, we accomplish our goals out of our focus, clarity, passion, and determination. However, along the way, we often find that other people can help us. It helps our minds to be clear, which in turn allows us to communicate our desires to others and ask them to help us.

Many people have difficulty in asking others for assistance. Sometimes they don't feel they deserve help, a subject beyond the scope of this article. Often, though, people don't get the help they want because they don't communicate clearly what they want. They might ask someone to help move a few boxes when they really need the contents of an office moved. They might say, "I'd like help with this, but I know you're busy, so it's perfectly okay if you don't want to do it," effectively talking themselves out of the help they want.

Turquoise is believed to attune to one's personal energies and to reflect those energies. When the energy of your desires guides guiding and tempers your requests, you are more likely to be clear and persuasive.

This stone also helps us to tune in to the energies of others. With this awareness, you understand how others can benefit from the realization of your dream and how to enroll them in its fulfillment.


The spiritual elements of turquoise incorporate its grounding, manifesting, and communication aspects. Found all over the world in places such as United States, Iran, Africa, Tibet, and China, this stone seems designed to both ground and elevate. Native people in the U.S. and those of Tibet hold it in particular reverence, both peoples believing that this crystal is a bridge between heaven and earth. Some Native cultures held the belief that by wearing it, the human mind becomes one with the universe.

On the level of creation, turquoise can help our dreams, which originate in spirit (heaven) travel to earth, where they can manifest. It is also believed in Native tradition that when turquoise is attached to a bow, the arrow fired will reach its target. We can use this as an analogy for the ability of turquoise to help us reach our goals.

The path of the soaring arrow also reflects the energetic connection between spirit and matter. And quiet as the whisper of the arrow flying through the air is the voice of our inner wisdom. As the best archers must find their inner centering and stillness in order to perform their art, so we have to stop and listen, be still, and be receptive to our deepest truths. Then our arrows of desire fly truly.

A Turquoise Meditation

In any crystal meditation I like to place stones on each chakra. In this meditation, I've chosen translucent crystals that reflect light to draw in more energy to support the grounding nature of turquoise.

First Chakra: Smoky quartz is a light grounding stone that also connects the first chakra to the crown chakra. Thus it reinforces turquoise's ability to join heaven and earth.

Second Chakra: Carnelian, for me, has the most smoothly flowing energy of second chakra crystals. It activates primal creative energy to move through the chakras.

Third Chakra: Citrine is never a bad choice for this chakra, as it helps to release energetic blockages in the areas of personal power, abundance, and self-confidence.

Fourth Chakra: I recommend emerald. As most affordable emerald is opaque, it helps to ground the emotions associated with this chakra. It also helps to draw in the spiritual aspects of love, and a loving spirit never hurts when you want to ask someone for assistance.

Fifth Chakra: Your turquoise belongs here. To increase its energy, you might want to surround it with four small (they can be very small) quartz points.

Sixth Chakra: Amethyst's calming attributes relax the mind so that it can release its attachment to the daily concerns of life and slip into a more expansive reality.

Seventh Chakra: Clear quartz provides the most direct connection to spirit. Although you can use this crystal in any form, I especially like a small cluster.

Hold a quartz point in your dominant hand and rotate it counter-clockwise over each crystal, beginning with the first chakra. Breathe in and out deeply while you do so.

Once you have completed this, envision your goal. Don't get detailed. Imagine the end result and feel how it will feel to have it fulfilled. If you find that you are, instead, envisioning problems, focus entirely on your breathing. You might also want to say your own variation of the following affirmations:

Even if I don't understand how it's going to happen, I trust myself and the universe.

Even though I have some beliefs that keep me from fully envisioning fulfillment, I now choose to release these beliefs.

Then allow those beliefs and especially the associated emotions to arise. You might find yourself thinking, "I'm so afraid it won't happen." Follow that thought. Will you disappoint others? Will you feel embarrassed?

The more honest you can be about your emotions, the more you will learn about yourself—and the closer your dream's fulfillment will come.

Also important for this meditation, the more negative emotions and beliefs you can dissolve, the more clear you will be about your goal. This means you will be far more powerful and persuasive in enrolling the assistance of others.

To learn more about crystals and chakras, you can read about the email course by the same name here.

You can read this online.

Learn About Our Courses

If you've been interested in our email courses but have been unsure which would be best for you, you now have a new way to choose.

I've put together a pamphlet in Microsoft Word format that fully describes each course:

Bach Flower Remedies: A User-Friendly Guide

Crystals and the Chakras

Allow More Love in Your Life

Think More: Work Less

Each course description includes annotated tables of contents and summaries of the course material.

In addition, the pamphlet includes sample lessons. This inclusion gives you the opportunity to decide whether the format works for your learning needs.

While most of the material in the 61-page pamphlet is also available on our web site, the new format gives you all the information in one convenient document.

To receive this pamphlet, please email
I will send you the pamphlet by email.

Bach Flower Remedy Course

The materials as basic course you designed is wonderful, the highlight part is you made a scenario for each flower essence personality. Those statements are so vivid.
--Tim Kuan, Doctor of Oriental Medicine

I've written a 71,000-word workbook that includes full descriptions of the Remedies, extensive comparisons between them, and study sections. All participants will complete a consultation for themselves that I will evaluate. The cost is 60. This course now includes a special section on Bach Flower Remedies for animals.
To read a detailed table of contents for the written material please go here.

Yo You can also see a sample section here.

Like our other courses, the Bach Flower Remedy class is self-paced. The written material is delivered by email in Microsoft Word format.

To learn more about this course or to register, please go here.

If you have any questions, please email me at


Consultations Available by Phone and Skype

For years we've given email consultations in order to assist people who lived too far away to come for a face-to-face consultation. We've found it a very effective way to advise people regarding the flower essences, crystals, and essential oils (as well as other modalities which seemed appropriate) that were most helpful to them. After receiving many requests, we've now added phone consultations.

Giving consultations is one of the most rewarding and inspiring aspects of our work. We deeply respect our clients' commitment to clearing the past and transforming the future and consider it a privilege to be of assistance.

If you're not familiar with Skype, it's an internet-based communication system through you can make Skype to Skype free calls all over the world 24/7. For more information, see Skype.

For more information about consultations, please go here.

Connie is also now giving consultations that use the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as a method. This can be added to or replace a flower essence consultation.

For more information, please go to EFT Consultations.

You can also read the following article that outlines the basic principles of EFT here.

You can also request a pamphlet on EFT by emailing me.

If you'd like to receive a free monthly newsletter about EFT and the Law of Attraction, among other subjects, please sign up.

Course on the Chakras

When we understand what the chakras have to do with our
emotions, health, and mental well being we have a new way to understand ourselves. When we learn how to rebalance the energy of the chakras we can raise our lives to a new level of empowerment.

This self-paced course can assist you in rebalancing your life. I've expanded it and made it available in a more attractive format. It includes:

Detailed descriptions of many crystals
A quiz to help you begin
Several articles describing different ways to work with the chakras
An appendix of supplementary information

You can see a sample lesson onlilne.

Learn more about this course in general.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Allow More Love in Your Life

When we live in the spirit of love, life becomes joyful. We find that when we aren't bound up in negative emotions, we have more vitality. We appreciate the many blessings of our lives, and the positive energy of appreciation creates more blessings for us to appreciate.

Our relationships become our greatest blessings. We turn relationship challenges into opportunities for greater understanding and intimacy.

All of this is possible when we recognize that we are the source of love.

Like our other courses, Your Journey of Love is self-paced and full of exercises designed to help you discover what keeps you from experiencing unconditional love.

This course also contains several lessons describing how certain crystals and essences relate to different aspects of love.

More information is available here.

Your Prosperity Journey

The course is designed to help you to explore and dissolve limiting beliefs and habits and emotional ways of being and to replace them with powerful affirmations and new habits that can help you to create a prosperous and fulfilling life for yourself,

For us prosperity isn't only money, although that's the area where many of us notice that we're not as prosperous as we'd like to be. It's the quality of our lives, lives where work is play that fills our creative and spiritual needs.

The course includes detailed information about crystals and essences related to prosperity, meditations, and many practical suggestions.

We have personally tested every principle, practice, and assignment included in this course. We continue to use them on a daily basis, and plan to do so for the rest of our lives—because they work.

More information is available here.
Two Popular Email Courses
Now Available in Ebook Form

Allow More Love in Your Life
Think More: Work Less

Previously only offered as email courses for $50 each, the material for each of these classes is now available, either for easy reading on your computer screen or in printable form.

After much thought, we decided to publish the books in Microsoft Word format. With this format, you can easily search through the table of contents and chapter headings for specific material. You can also make a copy of the document and do the homeplay in the book itself. This makes it a true workbook -- or, as we prefer to say, Playbook.

More information is available here.
