Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beyond the Rainbow Is Closing—and So Is This Blog

Thank to all you who followed this blog, which hasn't given much to follow for quite a while. We debated for a long time about whether to close the business, and we are now in the process of doing so. Please see for details and special sales.

For those of you interested in following my writing, I now have two other blogs: and The first continues with many of the themes developed in the Rainbow Reflections newsletter with a focus on creativity. The second is a cat-centric blog in which a mythical cat gives advice to other cats on how to train humans.

In addition, if you go to you can find information about subscribing to Coming Attractions, the newsletter that will replace Beyond the Rainbow publications.

Again, thanks.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Living with Crystals March

Living With Crystals
A Newsletter from Beyond the Rainbow

PO Box 110, Ruby, NY 12475

Volume XV, Number 2
Living with Crystals gives monthly information about working with crystals, flower essences, and aromatherapy.

In This Issue

I Welcome
II Feature Article: Crystal Clearing
III Special Announcement: Big Dragons Don't Cry
IV Bach Flower Remedy Classes
V Courses & Consultations


Welcome to the Beyond the Rainbow's newsletter about crystals, Living with Crystals, first published February 1997.

If this is your first newsletter, thank you for subscribing. If it isn't, thanks for continuing to read it. If you'd like to forward a copy to a friend whom you think would enjoy it please feel free to do so.

Every issue of Living with Crystals is dedicated to all of you who read it; we dedicate this issue with special appreciation, and pledge that Living with Crystals will continue to serve all those who wants to learn more about working with crystals as our partners in creation.

May you every day become more crystalline.

Getting Clear

Sometimes, especially when I've received a number of questions on a given subject, I reprint basic articles about crystals in this newsletter. This is one of those times.

With spring coming to the Northern Hemisphere, this is a good time to clean, clear, and charge your crystals.

Crystals are basically low-maintainence companions. They don't need to be fed or walked, and don't require trips to the vet. They do from time to time need to be cleaned and cleared.

Clearing isn't the same as cleaning, although both acts can be accomplished by the same process. Whether or not your crystals often need to be cleared they will sometimes need to be cleaned. I recommend immersing them in water for a minute or so, then gently drying them with a towel.

Don't use any kind of detergent unless for some reason grease has gotten on them. Detergents, even organic ones, tend to leave a film on crystals.

Inner Dust

Clearing crystals is more an act of getting rid of inner, psychic dust. Crystals are valuable in the technical world because they record and store information. When we translate this role into spiritual terms we say that crystals take in and store the vibrations which surround them.

This benefits us in that we are able to program them to translate our desires and dreams into a vibration which attracts the energy which will materialize them.

Crystals, however, not being us, don't discriminate between "good" and "bad" vibrations, and collect whatever's around.

Making a Crystal Yours

When you first purchase crystals you want to make them yours. You will want to erase or clear from them the vibrations of all those who have handled them -- even those of the nice people at Beyond the Rainbow -- not because those vibrations are bad, but because your crystals, in order to respond to your needs and wishes, must be attuned to your vibrations.

There are times when you don't want a crystal to have your vibrations, either.

1. If you've been working with crystals to heal emotional pain, your crystals may absorb these vibrations.
2. The same can be true if you've been doing a lot of releasing work.
3. If you've programmed crystals for specific purposes, you'll need to clear them if you want to program them for new goals/dreams.

Crystal Baths

One way to clear your crystals is to bury them in sea, kosher, or Himalayan salt overnight. Wash them afterwards and, if possible, put them in a place where they can dry in the sun.

You can get similar results by using salt water, and this is a better idea for highly polished stones, as salt crystals may scratch your crystals' surfaces. Immersing them in salt water serves the dual purposes of cleaning and clearing.

My method is to fill bowls in filtered water into which I shake some salt (probably the equivalent of two tablespoons per pint of water.) I leave the crystals in the water overnight. The next day I rinse them and put them out to dry. I prefer to let them dry by themselves.

If the temperature is warm (crystals may crack in subfreezing temperatures) I put the bowls outside and let them dry in the sun.


Although I've used this method for many years without traumatized crystals, I think it's appropriate to say that other people feel this is too harsh a clearing method. If you'd like to try this method, use it with a few crystals and see how you feel.

Some crystals shouldn't be placed in water, particularly soft stones such as azurite, malachite, rough chrysocolla, selenite. I've heard that calcite shouldn't be placed in water, but I've done so with no negative results. A variant on the sea salt method is to clear your crystals by placing them in the ocean. I recommend putting them in a pail unless you plan to give a gift to the sea.


This is the least invasive and most popular method for clearing crystals. You can use a smudge stick for this. A smudge stick may consist of some of the following herbs: include cedar, sage, lavender, juniper, pine.

Pass your crystals through the smoke -- or, if you have arrangements of crystals around your house, pass the smudge stick over the crystals. This method is excellent as well for clearing yourself and your environment.

Cleaning/Clearing with Essential Oils

The relationship between crystals and essential oils deserves an article of its own. My focus here is on particular oils that have cleaning/clearing properties. The most economical method for using oils is to place crystals in a container, fill it with filtered water as you would for the salt water method, and put a drop or two of essential oil into the water.

Lemon: This has a purifying effect and, on a practical level, cuts grease.

Juniper: Like juniper in a smudge stick, juniper oil has the ability to help release any negative vibrations.

Lavender: If you've been doing any kind of intense emotional work with your crystals, lavender oil has a calming and balancing effect. Put some on yourself, too.

The previous methods can work well for large quantities of crystals. The following methods are better for individual crystals or small quantities of small crystals.

The Earth Method

You can bury your crystals in the earth. (Do not use this method on iron-based stones such as hematite and tiger iron.) This method can clear any rough energy from your crystals and give them a kind of rebirth in the earth (from which most crystals are mined). It's like taking them home.

Be sure to mark the place where you've buried them.


Close your eyes, relax, and while holding your Crystal, visualize it glowing with white light or rainbow hues. Feel it radiating smooth, balanced energy.

How Often Do Crystals Need to be Cleared?

It depends on how much you use them. If they're sitting on your desk, looking pretty (and you can get a great deal of value just from having them around) once every three months is probably sufficient--in which case they probably need baths, too. Crystals you work with every day need to be cleared no less than once a month.

If, as mentioned above, you do intense emotional work with your crystals, clear them after each session.

If a crystal looks cloudy or has a dull feeling it probably needs to be cleared.

It is always a good idea to clear a crystal before you program it. However, once you've programmed it don't clear it until it's done its work.

Please see articles about charging and programming crystals at


My Novel Is Published

New: You can order a print version (what used to be called a book) at

Visit to read about Big Dragons Don't Cry, the first book of A Dragon's Guide to Destiny.

In Big Dragons Don't Cry, a cunning opportunist and would-be tyrant wants to turn a swamp into valuable real estate. Druid, the large and very depressed water dragon who protects the swamp and its inhabitants, vows to save his friends and his home--although he's sure he'll fail.

You can download the first chapter for free and learn about how to download 3 more chapters free. Ordering information is available at

The book is available in the Kindle Bookstore at
for $5.99

And at for $6.00

It's also available for Nook, iPad, and other formats.

To be updated on developments with Big Dragons Don't Cry, subscribe to the dragon's occasional newsletter at

Learn About Our Courses

If you've been interested in our email courses but have been unsure which would be best for you, you now have a new way to choose.

I've put together a pamphlet in Microsoft Word format that fully describes each course:

Bach Flower Remedies: A User-Friendly Guide

Crystals and the Chakras

Allow More Love in Your Life

Think More: Work Less

Each course description includes annotated tables of contents and summaries of the course material.

In addition, the pamphlet includes sample lessons. This inclusion gives you the opportunity to decide whether the format works for your learning needs.

While most of the material in the 61-page pamphlet is also available on our web site, the new format gives you all the information in one convenient document.

To receive this pamphlet, please email
I will send you the pamphlet by email.

Bach Flower Remedy Course

The materials as basic course you designed is wonderful, the highlight part is you made a scenario for each flower essence personality. Those statements are so vivid.
--Tim Kuan, Doctor of Oriental Medicine

I've written a 71,000-word workbook that includes full descriptions of the Remedies, extensive comparisons between them, and study sections. All participants will complete a consultation for themselves that I will evaluate. The cost is 60. This course now includes a special section on Bach Flower Remedies for animals.

To read a detailed table of contents for the written material please go here.

You can also see a sample section here.

Like our other courses, the Bach Flower Remedy class is self-paced. The written material is delivered by email in Microsoft Word format.

To learn more about this course or to register, please go here.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Course on the Chakras

Please note: This book is now available as an ebook for $15.

When we understand what the chakras have to do with our
emotions, health, and mental well being we have a new way to understand ourselves. When we learn how to rebalance the energy of the chakras we can raise our lives to a new level of empowerment.

This self-paced course can assist you in rebalancing your life. I've expanded it and made it available in a more attractive format. It includes:

Detailed descriptions of many crystals
A quiz to help you begin
Several articles describing different ways to work with the chakras
An appendix of supplementary information

You can see a sample lesson onlilne.

Learn more about this course in general.

If you have any questions, please email me at
Two Popular Email Courses
Now Available in Ebook Form

Allow More Love in Your Life
Think More: Work Less

Previously only offered as email courses for $50 each, the material for each of these classes is now available, either for easy reading on your computer screen or in printable form.

After much thought, we decided to publish the books in Microsoft Word format. With this format, you can easily search through the table of contents and chapter headings for specific material. You can also make a copy of the document and do the homeplay in the book itself. This makes it a true workbook -- or, as we prefer to say, Playbook.

More information is available here.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Living With Crystals February

Living With Crystals
A Newsletter from Beyond the Rainbow

PO Box 110, Ruby, NY 12475

Volume XIV, Number 12
Living with Crystals gives monthly information about working with crystals, flower essences, and aromatherapy.

In This Issue

I Welcome
II Feature Article: The Vibrations of Love
III Bach Flower Remedy Classes
IV Courses & Consultations


Welcome to the Beyond the Rainbow's newsletter about crystals, Living with Crystals, first published February 1997.

If this is your first newsletter, thank you for subscribing. If it isn't, thanks for continuing to read it. If you'd like to forward a copy to a friend whom you think would enjoy it please feel free to do so.

Every issue of Living with Crystals is dedicated to all of you who read it; we dedicate this issue with special appreciation, and pledge that Living with Crystals will continue to serve all those who wants to learn more about working with crystals as our partners in creation.

May you every day become more crystalline.

Special Announcement

My Novel is Published

Visit my web site to read about Big Dragons Don't Cry, the first book of A Dragon's Guide to Destiny.

In Big Dragons Don't Cry, a cunning opportunist and would-be tyrant wants to turn a swamp into valuable real estate. Druid, the large and very depressed water dragon who protects the swamp and its inhabitants, vows to save his friends and his home--although he's sure he'll fail.

You can download the first chapter for free and learn about how to download 3 more chapters free. Ordering information is available

The book is available in the Kindle Bookstore
for $5.99

And at Smashwords for $6.00

It will soon be available in print, for iPad, Nook, and other e-book formats.

To be updated on developments with Big Dragons Don't Cry, subscribe to the dragon's occasional newsletter at

The Vibrations of Love

This article is an excerpt from our course: Allow More Love In Your Life. It describes in detail some of the crystals and essences that can help us to love ourselves unconditionally.

For more information about this course, visit


Rose quartz

I believe this to be the most essential crystal for fostering self-love. I encourage you to experience its vibrations on an ongoing basis, either by wearing it, carrying it, meditating with it, or keeping it close to you when you sleep (or all of the above).

When we haven't experienced enough love in our formative years we tend to close off our hearts. Yet this closure doesn't heal the wound inside, and that wound will always cry out to be healed. Rose quartz is an instrument of that healing.

That doesn't mean that it's always a gentle stone. In the past, when I placed it on my heart center (its natural resting place) I could feel pain I hadn't known I had rising to the surface. If this happens to you, you have a number of choices.

You can stop using it for a while, replacing it with aventurine, which can help to gently rebalance emotions. You can hold a rose quartz in your hand, and, while holding it, silently or out loud repeat an affirmation ("The past is over; I am a stronger person now." "I accept all that I am.").

You can also stick with it, frequently reminding yourself that that the pain is coming up to be released. It's going, never to return.

More than any other crystal, rose quartz teaches the lesson that all emotional wounds can be healed, and that the source of love comes from within.


When we have emotional blockages to loving ourselves fully, though, it can be difficult to see fully what is positive about ourselves and to recognize and appreciate the degree to which we're loved.

This is where self-esteem becomes a factor. When we appreciate our worth we are more open to recognizing the particular ways in which we are unique and special.

When we are fully in touch with our worth we are also more able to ask others for help, and to assert ourselves when this is necessary.

Citrine, a golden-hued stone, relates to the third chakra, which deals with self-esteem, the appropriate use of personal power, and abundance.

Self-esteem, which includes trusting oneself, makes it possible for one to exercise one's personal power in a responsible way. The ability to make and act on decisions which are best for one will lead to abundance, which is not only related to money. In this book abundance means love.

Citrine particularly addresses issues of a balanced ego. An unbalanced third chakra can show up as greed, manipulation, and other abuses of will. This chakra can be balanced by guidance from the seventh (crown) chakra, which governs our sense of interconnectedness with All That Is. As gold (relating to the sun, which shines without bias on all things) is one of the seventh chakra colors, citrine can be used to assist in this balance.

Pink Calcite

Pink calcite helps to release old and hurtful emotional patterns so that the heart can be open to receive and give unconditional love. It thus combines the energies of rose quartz and pink tourmaline, nurturing both our love for ourselves and our ability to express love for others.

Pink calcite can be used on any chakra for the purposes of releasing old pain (for example, those who were sexually abused as children might find it helpful to place it on the second chakra. Those who feel unable to express themselves in loving ways could place it on the throat).


The heart chakra is associated with both the colors pink and green. Traditionally, pink relates more closely to matters of love, and green relates to healing (as well as to prosperity and creativity), but emerald is a green stone which is related to love.

According to crystal lore, emerald was brought to earth from the planet Venus. In Roman mythology, Venus is the goddess of love. This is one of the reasons emerald is associated with the sign of Taurus, which is ruled by Venus.

I find emerald's most distinctive claim as a love stone relates to its balancing aspects. It's often known as the healer's stone, and is especially recommended for people who exhaust their resources in helping others.

Dedication to healing is admirable, but dedication to the point of making oneself exhausted and ill (and thus no longer able to practice healing) indicates an imbalance. Very often, people who go this far are using self-sacrifice in order to win love. They may also be among those who find it easier to give than to receive.

An emerald placed with a rose quartz on the heart while meditating can help restore the heart to balance. This is useful as a regular practice.

Emerald also relates to universal love and compassion. It's a good stone to put in front of a statue of Kwan Yin, the Chinese goddess of compassion.



The negative Holly condition manifests in a number of emotions and behaviors: envy, jealousy, hatred. People in this condition may suspect that they're being deceived, and frequently feel hurt or injured by others. Sometimes they experience a general feeling of discontent and unhappiness without knowing why.

The root of their difficulties, though, isn't how other people treat them, but how they treat themselves, how little they love themselves. There is, I believe, nothing greater than the power of love, and each of us is its source. When we're cut off from this source, when we don't love ourselves unconditionally, when we judge ourselves as less than perfect and feel that we have flaws which make us undeserving of love it is easy to find evidence in the external world that how others love us is equally imperfect.

The person in the Holly condition who finds people who love him/her has become so disconnected from his/her own source of love that the love of others can't be trusted. Lovers are deceitful, bosses favor other employees, and the good things of life happen to other people.

The response of finding oneself so vulnerable is similar to that of a trapped animal. Holly snarls, hisses, and behaves in an aggressively hostile manner in order to hide this vulnerability.

Though some people surely need Holly more than others, there are few of us who cannot benefit from its healing energies. Dr. Bach said: "Holly protects us from everything that is not Universal Love. Holly opens the heart and unites us with Divine Love."


Like Holly (for self-love) Larch, which relates to self-esteem, is one of the more generally applicable of the Bach Flower Remedies.
Self-esteem relates to capabilities, i.e., what you feel you can do, what level of risk and challenge you can take on, and how much confidence you have in your ability to surmount obstacles. It is a quality in which most people are lacking.

To some extent, this lack stems from the unique nature of human infancy and childhood. We are born relatively helpless and take a relatively long time to learn how to protect ourselves. Our parents, as guardians of our safety, feel that they must warn us against danger, constantly telling what not to do, where not to go. Thus, many of us may get the impression that anything our parents hasn't told us is safe, is dangerous, an impression which may persist into adulthood.

This feeling (and resultant cautious behavior) may be aggravated when parents, while consciously believing that they're protecting their children try to keep them from living more adventurous lives than they have done (and straying too far from the family fold). Such a parent may say, "I'm only thinking of your own good, and you'll never make any money as an artist" or "she's a very nice girl, but too different from you."

Classic Larch types are the people who say without resentment or jealousy, "I can't do that." They may use excuses, such as "I'm not well enough," or "It's because I'm a woman," but they genuinely believe that those who can are superior to them. This is rarely the case.

Milder cases of Larch are much more common. I often have clients say that they've been working on their self-esteem levels, but that there's lots of room for improvement.

Larch can also be given as an adjunct to other flower essences. For example, people who need the courage to stand up for themselves (Centaury) find that a dose of self-esteem strengthens their resolve.

Mariposa Lily

This essence particularly relates to one's relationship to one's mother. For many people this relationship is characterized by anger and resentment.

They may use up a lot of energy that could be put to far more life enhancing purposes in blame. They may use their relationships with their mothers as the reasons why they haven't had happy lives, why they can't form lasting relationships themselves, why their own relationships with their children don't work.

It is certainly true that when we lack nurturing in our earliest months and years, we can end up feeling unloved and unwanted. We can become alienated from our own nurturing instincts. Knowing this, however, is not healing.

What does heal is to take responsibility for nurturing ourselves, for recognizing that each of us is the source of unconditional love for ourselves and others, and that we are the ones who can unblock this energy. In order to do so we need to take responsibility for ourselves; we need to acknowledge that we are fully worthy of love, and we also need to learn to forgive our own mothers.

The flower essence most effective in helping us to do this is Mariposa Lily. It can help us to come to terms with the past, to accept what happened. It assists us in not letting the past run the present. It opens our channels to the universal source of nurturing, unconditional love (which some call Divine Mother or Goddess),
and to recognize that this love is always available to us and within us.


Sunflower is in many ways the floral equivalent of citrine. Like the stone, it helps to balance ego energies, allowing those who have dimmed their light with feelings of low self-esteem to experience appreciation of themselves, and helping those who mask low self-esteem with egotism to experience a balanced self-appreciation.

Sunflower is particularly helpful in healing one's relationship with one's father. Those who experienced their fathers as overbearing and dominating may have learned to fear the aggressive aspects of self, and thus hide their own light.

Sunflower teaches us how to use our light to heal ourselves and others.

You can read this article online at

If you'd like to read more of my articles, please see"new

These articles are about crystals, essences, power animals, and some subjects that may surprise you.

Learn About Our Courses

If you've been interested in our email courses but have been unsure which would be best for you, you now have a new way to choose.

I've put together a pamphlet in Microsoft Word format that fully describes each course:

Bach Flower Remedies: A User-Friendly Guide

Crystals and the Chakras

Allow More Love in Your Life

Think More: Work Less

Each course description includes annotated tables of contents and summaries of the course material.

In addition, the pamphlet includes sample lessons. This inclusion gives you the opportunity to decide whether the format works for your learning needs.

While most of the material in the 61-page pamphlet is also available on our web site, the new format gives you all the information in one convenient document.

To receive this pamphlet, please email
I will send you the pamphlet by email.

Aft -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bach Flower Remedy Course

The materials as basic course you designed is wonderful, the highlight part is you made a scenario for each flower essence personality. Those statements are so vivid.
--Tim Kuan, Doctor of Oriental Medicine

I've written a 71,000-word workbook that includes full descriptions of the Remedies, extensive comparisons between them, and study sections. All participants will complete a consultation for themselves that I will evaluate. The cost is 60. This course now includes a special section on Bach Flower Remedies for animals.
To read a detailed table of contents for the written material please go here.

Yo You can also see a sample section here.

Like our other courses, the Bach Flower Remedy class is self-paced. The written material is delivered by email in Microsoft Word format.

To learn more about this course or to register, please go here.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Course on the Chakras

Please note: This book is now available as an ebook for $15.

When we understand what the chakras have to do with our
emotions, health, and mental well being we have a new way to understand ourselves. When we learn how to rebalance the energy of the chakras we can raise our lives to a new level of empowerment.

This self-paced course can assist you in rebalancing your life. I've expanded it and made it available in a more attractive format. It includes:

Detailed descriptions of many crystals
A quiz to help you begin
Several articles describing different ways to work with the chakras
An appendix of supplementary information

You can see a sample lesson onlilne.

Learn more about this course in general.

If you have any questions, please email me at
Two Popular Email Courses
Now Available in Ebook Form

Allow More Love in Your Life
Think More: Work Less

Previously only offered as email courses for $50 each, the material for each of these classes is now available, either for easy reading on your computer screen or in printable form.

After much thought, we decided to publish the books in Microsoft Word format. With this format, you can easily search through the table of contents and chapter headings for specific material. You can also make a copy of the document and do the homeplay in the book itself. This makes it a true workbook -- or, as we prefer to say, Playbook.

More information is available here.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

January Living with Crystals

Living With Crystals
A Newsletter from Beyond the Rainbow

PO Box 110, Ruby, NY 12475

Volume XIV, Number 12
Living with Crystals gives monthly information about working with crystals, flower essences, and aromatherapy.

In This Issue

I Welcome
II Feature Article: A Chakra Quiz
III Bach Flower Remedy Classes
IV Courses & Consultations


Welcome to the Beyond the Rainbow's newsletter about crystals, Living with Crystals, first published February 1997.

If this is your first newsletter, thank you for subscribing. If it isn't, thanks for continuing to read it. If you'd like to forward a copy to a friend whom you think would enjoy it please feel free to do so.

Every issue of Living with Crystals is dedicated to all of you who read it; we dedicate this issue with special appreciation, and pledge that Living with Crystals will continue to serve all those who wants to learn more about working with crystals as our partners in creation.

May you every day become more crystalline.

Chakra Quiz

This quiz is from the chakra course and is designed to help you determine which chakras are most in need of balancing. Check off the statements that are true for you. The answers follow the statements.

Please note: Reference is made in some of these statements to physical conditions. I am not suggesting that you bypass consulting a medical professional for such conditions. Neither this or any other information on the Beyond the Rainbow web site is intended to replace assistance from the practitioner of your choice.

The more statements you check off relating to one chakra, the higher its priority.

If you would like to learn more about this course, please go to

This course is now available as an ebook for $15. See the above link for ordering information or go directly to

1. I have a lot of headaches.

2. Money and spirituality are incompatible.

3. I see things as they are, not as I would like them to be.

4. At night, I can't sleep because I panic.

5. I have reproductive disorders (PMS, difficulty in conceiving, prostate problems, etc.)

6. I don't like to tell someone I'm angry at them.

7. I don't like to be around needy people.

8. I have a lot of mental confusion.

9. I can't even imagine myself speaking before an audience.

10. I worry a lot about the people I love.

11. I have habits and addictions that run my life.

12. I feel emotionally unbalanced.

13. I can't meditate.

14. I have a lot of physical pain (especially not limited to, lower back pain, problems with feet, knees, or varicose veins).

15. No matter how much time (and/or money) I spend trying to enjoy myself I rarely feel satisfied.

16. Security is the most important thing to me.

17. I find it difficult to ask for a raise or promotion at my job; if my work is good enough I shouldn't have to ask.

18. I don't think I have much to do with how my life goes.

19. This planet is in too much of a mess to ever get cleaned up.

20. I have difficulty organizing my thoughts into meaningful ideas.

21. I've tried many ways to improve my life, but none of them have worked.

22. I don't like other people telling me what to do.

23. My life is full of stress.

24. I am prone to asthma or another respiratory disease.

25. I can see exactly how I want things to be, but can't formulate the
steps to get there.

26. I feel hopeless about the world political and economic situation.

27. The things I feel I should do aren't really the things I want to do.

28. If someone gives me a compliment I a) act modest, b) say, "Oh, it was nothing, c) wish they hadn't mentioned it.

29. Nature feels threatening.

30. I have no sense of my purpose in being alive.

31. I find it hard to trust people.

32. Routine things like balancing checkbooks and running machines confuse (or bore) me.

33. Powerful people are usually disliked.

34. I experience difficulty with physical stiffness in my limbs.

35. I spend a lot of my time and energy in worrying about survival.

36. I feel stagnant, dull, and stuck. There's no motion in my life.

37. I'm afraid of my feelings.

38. To be successful in this world you have to be dishonest and manipulative.

39. Because I haven't been nurtured enough, I find it difficult to nurture others.

40. Physical existence is just something we have to suffer in order to reach a higher plane.

41. In making choices between duty towards others and pleasure for myself, I choose duty.

42. Sexual activity deters spiritual growth.

43. I would never give up my individuality to be in a relationship.

44. I feel very critical about my shortcomings.

45. I feel as if I have no energy.

46. I feel very critical about other people's shortcomings.

47. I frequently suffer from digestive disorders: upset stomach, ulcers, etc.

48. There's never been enough love in my life.

49. I'd like to be in love again, but I can't get over (a former spouse or

50. I have no imagination.

51. I've had the same problems in all of my relationships.

52. I'm afraid to develop my psychic abilities.

53. I see no order in the chaotic lives we all live.

54. The problem is really that I don't love myself enough.

55. I have trouble breathing deeply.

56. I get tense easily.

57. I can't meditate because I get frightened.

58. I fear rejection more than anything else.

59. I don't believe that the organizing principle of the universe is love.

60. Whenever I start to remember my childhood, I get anxious.

61. I never cry.

62. If feeling good also means the possibility of feeling bad, I'd rather feel less.

63. My heart feels empty.

64. I am ill a lot.

65. I have frequent attacks of indigestion.

66. When I exercise my will, it doesn't feel loving.

67. I often get sore throats and/or colds, respiratory disorders.

68. Life bores me.

69. I have a lot of neck pain.

70. When I get upset I put something in my mouth (food, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.)

71. It's hard for me to say what I feel.

72. When I have to write a letter or a report I go blank.

73. I don't like to be in group situations.

74. People don't understand me.

75. I have daytime panic attacks.

76. Sometimes I just don't know what people are talking about.

77. I have trouble learning.

78. I feel safest in the realm of proven facts.

79. I can't get other people to help me fulfill my needs.

80. I don't believe it's possible to have a cooperative society.

81. When I try to help heal others, I feel drained.

82. I don't believe in other realities.

83.When you die that's the end.

84. If we are all One, what happens to our individuality?

85. I don't remember my dreams.

This quiz is available online at
The answers are at

Again, for information about this course or the ebook, please go to

If you'd like to read more of my articles, please see

them here

These articles are about crystals, essences, power animals, and some subjects that may surprise you.

Learn About Our Courses

If you've been interested in our email courses but have been unsure which would be best for you, you now have a new way to choose.

I've put together a pamphlet in Microsoft Word format that fully describes each course:

Bach Flower Remedies: A User-Friendly Guide

Crystals and the Chakras

Allow More Love in Your Life

Think More: Work Less

Each course description includes annotated tables of contents and summaries of the course material.

In addition, the pamphlet includes sample lessons. This inclusion gives you the opportunity to decide whether the format works for your learning needs.

While most of the material in the 61-page pamphlet is also available on our web site, the new format gives you all the information in one convenient document.

To receive this pamphlet, please email
I will send you the pamphlet by email.

Bach Flower Remedy Course

The materials as basic course you designed is wonderful, the highlight part is you made a scenario for each flower essence personality. Those statements are so vivid.
--Tim Kuan, Doctor of Oriental Medicine

I've written a 71,000-word workbook that includes full descriptions of the Remedies, extensive comparisons between them, and study sections. All participants will complete a consultation for themselves that I will evaluate. The cost is 60. This course now includes a special section on Bach Flower Remedies for animals.
To read a detailed table of contents for the written material please go here.

Yo You can also see a sample section here.

Like our other courses, the Bach Flower Remedy class is self-paced. The written material is delivered by email in Microsoft Word format.

To learn more about this course or to register, please go here.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Course on the Chakras

When we understand what the chakras have to do with our
emotions, health, and mental well being we have a new way to understand ourselves. When we learn how to rebalance the energy of the chakras we can raise our lives to a new level of empowerment.

This self-paced course can assist you in rebalancing your life. I've expanded it and made it available in a more attractive format. It includes:

Detailed descriptions of many crystals
A quiz to help you begin
Several articles describing different ways to work with the chakras
An appendix of supplementary information

You can see a sample lesson onlilne.

Learn more about this course in general.

If you have any questions, please email me at
Two Popular Email Courses
Now Available in Ebook Form

Allow More Love in Your Life
Think More: Work Less

Previously only offered as email courses for $50 each, the material for each of these classes is now available, either for easy reading on your computer screen or in printable form.

After much thought, we decided to publish the books in Microsoft Word format. With this format, you can easily search through the table of contents and chapter headings for specific material. You can also make a copy of the document and do the homeplay in the book itself. This makes it a true workbook -- or, as we prefer to say, Playbook.

More information is available here.
