Thursday, January 13, 2011

January Living with Crystals

Living With Crystals
A Newsletter from Beyond the Rainbow

PO Box 110, Ruby, NY 12475

Volume XIV, Number 12
Living with Crystals gives monthly information about working with crystals, flower essences, and aromatherapy.

In This Issue

I Welcome
II Feature Article: A Chakra Quiz
III Bach Flower Remedy Classes
IV Courses & Consultations


Welcome to the Beyond the Rainbow's newsletter about crystals, Living with Crystals, first published February 1997.

If this is your first newsletter, thank you for subscribing. If it isn't, thanks for continuing to read it. If you'd like to forward a copy to a friend whom you think would enjoy it please feel free to do so.

Every issue of Living with Crystals is dedicated to all of you who read it; we dedicate this issue with special appreciation, and pledge that Living with Crystals will continue to serve all those who wants to learn more about working with crystals as our partners in creation.

May you every day become more crystalline.

Chakra Quiz

This quiz is from the chakra course and is designed to help you determine which chakras are most in need of balancing. Check off the statements that are true for you. The answers follow the statements.

Please note: Reference is made in some of these statements to physical conditions. I am not suggesting that you bypass consulting a medical professional for such conditions. Neither this or any other information on the Beyond the Rainbow web site is intended to replace assistance from the practitioner of your choice.

The more statements you check off relating to one chakra, the higher its priority.

If you would like to learn more about this course, please go to

This course is now available as an ebook for $15. See the above link for ordering information or go directly to

1. I have a lot of headaches.

2. Money and spirituality are incompatible.

3. I see things as they are, not as I would like them to be.

4. At night, I can't sleep because I panic.

5. I have reproductive disorders (PMS, difficulty in conceiving, prostate problems, etc.)

6. I don't like to tell someone I'm angry at them.

7. I don't like to be around needy people.

8. I have a lot of mental confusion.

9. I can't even imagine myself speaking before an audience.

10. I worry a lot about the people I love.

11. I have habits and addictions that run my life.

12. I feel emotionally unbalanced.

13. I can't meditate.

14. I have a lot of physical pain (especially not limited to, lower back pain, problems with feet, knees, or varicose veins).

15. No matter how much time (and/or money) I spend trying to enjoy myself I rarely feel satisfied.

16. Security is the most important thing to me.

17. I find it difficult to ask for a raise or promotion at my job; if my work is good enough I shouldn't have to ask.

18. I don't think I have much to do with how my life goes.

19. This planet is in too much of a mess to ever get cleaned up.

20. I have difficulty organizing my thoughts into meaningful ideas.

21. I've tried many ways to improve my life, but none of them have worked.

22. I don't like other people telling me what to do.

23. My life is full of stress.

24. I am prone to asthma or another respiratory disease.

25. I can see exactly how I want things to be, but can't formulate the
steps to get there.

26. I feel hopeless about the world political and economic situation.

27. The things I feel I should do aren't really the things I want to do.

28. If someone gives me a compliment I a) act modest, b) say, "Oh, it was nothing, c) wish they hadn't mentioned it.

29. Nature feels threatening.

30. I have no sense of my purpose in being alive.

31. I find it hard to trust people.

32. Routine things like balancing checkbooks and running machines confuse (or bore) me.

33. Powerful people are usually disliked.

34. I experience difficulty with physical stiffness in my limbs.

35. I spend a lot of my time and energy in worrying about survival.

36. I feel stagnant, dull, and stuck. There's no motion in my life.

37. I'm afraid of my feelings.

38. To be successful in this world you have to be dishonest and manipulative.

39. Because I haven't been nurtured enough, I find it difficult to nurture others.

40. Physical existence is just something we have to suffer in order to reach a higher plane.

41. In making choices between duty towards others and pleasure for myself, I choose duty.

42. Sexual activity deters spiritual growth.

43. I would never give up my individuality to be in a relationship.

44. I feel very critical about my shortcomings.

45. I feel as if I have no energy.

46. I feel very critical about other people's shortcomings.

47. I frequently suffer from digestive disorders: upset stomach, ulcers, etc.

48. There's never been enough love in my life.

49. I'd like to be in love again, but I can't get over (a former spouse or

50. I have no imagination.

51. I've had the same problems in all of my relationships.

52. I'm afraid to develop my psychic abilities.

53. I see no order in the chaotic lives we all live.

54. The problem is really that I don't love myself enough.

55. I have trouble breathing deeply.

56. I get tense easily.

57. I can't meditate because I get frightened.

58. I fear rejection more than anything else.

59. I don't believe that the organizing principle of the universe is love.

60. Whenever I start to remember my childhood, I get anxious.

61. I never cry.

62. If feeling good also means the possibility of feeling bad, I'd rather feel less.

63. My heart feels empty.

64. I am ill a lot.

65. I have frequent attacks of indigestion.

66. When I exercise my will, it doesn't feel loving.

67. I often get sore throats and/or colds, respiratory disorders.

68. Life bores me.

69. I have a lot of neck pain.

70. When I get upset I put something in my mouth (food, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.)

71. It's hard for me to say what I feel.

72. When I have to write a letter or a report I go blank.

73. I don't like to be in group situations.

74. People don't understand me.

75. I have daytime panic attacks.

76. Sometimes I just don't know what people are talking about.

77. I have trouble learning.

78. I feel safest in the realm of proven facts.

79. I can't get other people to help me fulfill my needs.

80. I don't believe it's possible to have a cooperative society.

81. When I try to help heal others, I feel drained.

82. I don't believe in other realities.

83.When you die that's the end.

84. If we are all One, what happens to our individuality?

85. I don't remember my dreams.

This quiz is available online at
The answers are at

Again, for information about this course or the ebook, please go to

If you'd like to read more of my articles, please see

them here

These articles are about crystals, essences, power animals, and some subjects that may surprise you.

Learn About Our Courses

If you've been interested in our email courses but have been unsure which would be best for you, you now have a new way to choose.

I've put together a pamphlet in Microsoft Word format that fully describes each course:

Bach Flower Remedies: A User-Friendly Guide

Crystals and the Chakras

Allow More Love in Your Life

Think More: Work Less

Each course description includes annotated tables of contents and summaries of the course material.

In addition, the pamphlet includes sample lessons. This inclusion gives you the opportunity to decide whether the format works for your learning needs.

While most of the material in the 61-page pamphlet is also available on our web site, the new format gives you all the information in one convenient document.

To receive this pamphlet, please email
I will send you the pamphlet by email.

Bach Flower Remedy Course

The materials as basic course you designed is wonderful, the highlight part is you made a scenario for each flower essence personality. Those statements are so vivid.
--Tim Kuan, Doctor of Oriental Medicine

I've written a 71,000-word workbook that includes full descriptions of the Remedies, extensive comparisons between them, and study sections. All participants will complete a consultation for themselves that I will evaluate. The cost is 60. This course now includes a special section on Bach Flower Remedies for animals.
To read a detailed table of contents for the written material please go here.

Yo You can also see a sample section here.

Like our other courses, the Bach Flower Remedy class is self-paced. The written material is delivered by email in Microsoft Word format.

To learn more about this course or to register, please go here.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Course on the Chakras

When we understand what the chakras have to do with our
emotions, health, and mental well being we have a new way to understand ourselves. When we learn how to rebalance the energy of the chakras we can raise our lives to a new level of empowerment.

This self-paced course can assist you in rebalancing your life. I've expanded it and made it available in a more attractive format. It includes:

Detailed descriptions of many crystals
A quiz to help you begin
Several articles describing different ways to work with the chakras
An appendix of supplementary information

You can see a sample lesson onlilne.

Learn more about this course in general.

If you have any questions, please email me at
Two Popular Email Courses
Now Available in Ebook Form

Allow More Love in Your Life
Think More: Work Less

Previously only offered as email courses for $50 each, the material for each of these classes is now available, either for easy reading on your computer screen or in printable form.

After much thought, we decided to publish the books in Microsoft Word format. With this format, you can easily search through the table of contents and chapter headings for specific material. You can also make a copy of the document and do the homeplay in the book itself. This makes it a true workbook -- or, as we prefer to say, Playbook.

More information is available here.
